Baker Bay Park Fuels-In Progress
35635 Shoreview Dr, Dorena, OR 97434
Baker Bay Park is managed by Lane County Parks and Recreation located outside Cottage Grove on Dorena Lake.
Project Description
DSZ Contracting is currently implementing The Baker Bay Fuels Project on a 10 acre piece of the park that has been not been attended to in many years. There are three stages to the project: mastication, tree removal and herbicide application. More than 80% of the 10 acres was covered in 6’+ blackberries mixed with a variety of native, and non-native trees and shrubs.
Mastication was the first part to facilitate site access. The Mastication was completed by an Excavator with Forestry Masticator head during January 2025. All blackberry and many small non-native fruiting, fir and cedar trees were ground down. This initial treatment has already significantly increased fire safety for the park by removing the majority of Ladder fuels.
The second stage will be implemented after bud break in April-May. The focus of tree removal will be non-native trees and young fir and cedar trees. Non-native trees will flush cut and have their cambium layer treated with herbicide to prevent regrowth. The fir and cedar trees will be flush cut but herbicide treatment is not required to prevent regrowth.
Finally two herbicide treatments will be implemented in fall and early winter. The first treatment will be between August-Early October and will focus on areas that had 100% blackberry coverage. After the first frosts in October or November native vegetation will go dormant allowing us to complete the second treatment on the areas skipped in the first treatment due to native vegetation presence.